If we look at the form of Krishna, we are enthralled by His beauty and Grace, but there are many secrets here as well!
First off, He is always pictured blue... this doesn't mean that He was blue in colour :) ... blue is the colour of the sky and signifies that like the the sky which has vastness and infinity, Krishna was also vastness and infinity personified.
Then He wears a peacock feather as his crown. Now a crown looks very beautiful, but with all that gold and diamonds and stuff can be very heavy, meaning that to anyone looking at a King or a Queen, they will look wonderful and everyone will want to be like them, but to the King wearing it, it is heavy with responsibility of managing the Kingdom. Though Krishna is the Master of the entire universe, He takes His immense responsibility with the lightness of a feather! And the beauty of the peacock feather can rival the beauty of any ruby and diamond studded crown :)
He is usually depicted standing on one foot, the other a little lifted, as if dancing... One foot on the ground shows complete groundedness, firmly in the material world and you can see that from His life, from extreme mischief as a small child, to flirtatious romances as a youth, marriage to 16000 women :), helping with elopement, playing a major political role in one of the biggest wars, giving the ultimate Knowledge... the list goes on... He lived a very full life, yet the other foot off the ground showed His spiritual side, His mysticism, His depth... No one really knew Him or could even know Him...
You can go through life with both feet on the ground meaning you are only in the material world, and you go through life standing... and there are a few who lift both feet off and fall, try to be only "spiritual"... and a select few perfectly balance both the aspects, and they dance!
Looking at Him you realise you could stand, fall or dance! through life :)...Radha is his most beloved among all the gopis, but even she is jealous of his flute, coz the flute always stays with him. The flute has seven holes. Enchanting, captivating, bliss inducing music can be played from a flute only if it is hollow and empty.
Our body also has seven chakras... When we become hollow and empty, then Krishna's breath flows through us, and we become an instrument of the Divine... Our words are His words, our actions are His actions. We become pockets of tranquility and bliss. And then we are always with Him. Just like His flute! :)
Hollow and Empty happens effortlessly on Adv courses, and just for everyone's info, the next Adv course for YES!+ is from 10th to 14th September... do come!
Will write about Radha tomorrow... stay tuned! :)
Jai Gurudeva!
ps Guruji has been saying that everyone should read the Bhagawad Geeta at least once! I did and am now quite addicted, its such superb Knowledge, so simple and so deep!

Nice Post, Bau. Please visit my blog sometime -
Krishna had sudarshan chakra to tackle rakshas then.. (if i m not mistaken or did vishnu?? i dont know...)
but the present version of him has sudarshan kriya!!!
guess i would have been one of the earliest to read the posts, and yes the first one to comment on it. Cool post. See u in the advanced course
jgd!bau its a gr8 exprience by reading krishna's stories in d way of knowledge...keep continue feel gr888...
bau simply greate like krishna only
bau you rock.........................
Beautifully written Bau..
Please post Bhuvana's uncle's childhood pics.
Jai Gurudev
No words Bawa... i mean..
simple feather having such a great significance???????? History has some meaning now!!! unlike i thought!!!
Such a wonderful knowledge, it's simply beautiful. Thanks Bawa for sharing.
Whow!! A mind blowing way to look at things taught in our culture. I'm always amazed by krishna. Life of one master decoded by another.
Lovely knowledge about Krishna, Bau. Yeah the Bhagawad Gita inspires me too in daily life. Whenever some crucial answers elude me, I simply open the Holy Book and the randomly opened page gives me the answer as if guiding me on! Now, the dilema of what to gift someone does'nt trouble me anymore, 'cause whenever I have to, I gift them a miniature Bhagawad Gita (very beautiful and elegant)which never fails to please, besides, people who always dreaded reading it thinking it to be some heavy reading stuff really enjoy reading it and getting inspired from the profound knowledge. Waiting eagerly to know more about Radhaji, I always wondered what my name 'Anuradha' meant. :). Did Radhaji have other names too? Like Lord Krishna? Do enlighten Bau.
Jai Gurudev!
Sonia [Anuradha]
Hi Bau
Once again a beautiful article.
I simply love such explanations which help in understanding the very subtle things (which I never ever thought of earlier) in such a crisp and clear way. Be it Shiva (shhhhhwaaaaa...), Shiva Shakti & Daksha story (on essence of meditation), the secret of elements, Janmashtami or now Krishna.
Keep writing Bau.
Jai Gurudeva
Hey Bau....
This was so beautiful......!!!
Thank you..
beautiful knowledge .. and ... verry beautifully written !
quite possibly your most beautiful post !
What! a great post!! its full of knowledge, n is very interesting..
Jai Gurudev Bau !!
Is the advance course happening in Bangalore? Can u also let me no who is taking the course please?
That's Ultimate!!
I really admire your writing style Bhaiya...
It's so Simple.........
yet soooooooooo Deep.
Such a refined description of Krishna...
Really Beautiful!!
Jai Gurudev!!
Jai Gurudev Bau
Such great knowledge...All our lords were so profound and yet so simple to understand no??
Thanx a lot for this
looking forward to more...
Simply Awesome....
Btw... As there are many versions/copies of Bhagawad Geeta. Kindly throw some light on which author / publication to refer to.
saravana - Hyderabad
...amazingly beautiful!!!
Bawa, all praises to you will never be enough to match your standard! You're amazing... like Krishna's flute I would say..
I was just wondering about something and getting slightly confused about what I should do.. And guess what.. Reading what you wrote somehow gave me a simple and straight solution :)
I've been wanting to read the bhagavad gita since quite some time but I only get the pocket-size book, is that fine or is it possible to get a fuller version?
Hollow and Empty's meaning is THAT Beautiful... !! I mean I'm left speech-less. The most Beautiful thing i've read - the best interpretation...
Hollow And Empty And Krisna's :)
That was really amazing and just goes to prove the fact as always that all the mythological stories have everything hidden in them....And one has to be truly fortunate indeed to get this knowledge...and when it is in the way you have..well.. :)
beautiful. looking forward to read about Radha...longing.
Jai Gurudeva:)
Most beautiful post ever...
Cant wait bawa, you and dinesh conjure the essence of Krishna's charm. simple and totally captivating.
amazing knowledge:)
this is superb !!!! --thanks a lot for this interpretation of enchanting krishna
bawa - which version of the bhagavad geeta does guruji recommend - there are so many in the market .
Jai Guru Dev ,
wow!!!!it's amazing how even the smallest of actions and details have such profound meaning in our puranas...thanx bau....
Simply blown over Bau.. wow.. It made me cry in Gratitude :) :) :) :)
dear bau,
amazing!!!!such a profound knowledge and u xplained it in such a simple way....m alwys facsinated with krishna n his beauty and the bliss n joy depicted around him in d pictures....thnk u so much bau...i thoroughly njyd it.....
in fact 2day morning sitting in colege temple i was discusing wth 1 of my friend....tht though krishna is said to hav dark complextion....y is he alwys depicted as blue... n here cums my answer...
kip replying 2 my questions... :)
next post on Radha is awaited...
love u,
amazing knowlege.. want more of them!! Bawa and dinesh bhaiya please come to take an YES+ advance in Dubai..
haha, somebody has commented that the Present "VERSION" of Krisna has SUDARSHAN KRIYA rather than the SUDARSHAN CHAKRA. hahahaha.
wow!!! very more thing,there is nothing on the blog about the calcutta trip yeet... do write.. love,
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