Tonight is Janmashtami... The Birthnight of Lord Krishna
His birth is quite a story which most know... so here it is very briefly...
The evil King Kans threw Vasudev and Devki (his sister) into prison because it was prophesied that their eighth child would kill him. So child after child was born in prison to the hapless couple and mercilessly butchered by Kans... Until the time came for the eighth one. Devki fully pregnant was blooming with Divinity and Kans could see his doom being created in his siter's womb.
He doubled trebled quadrupled the guards outside the cell of Devaki and Vasudev, giving them strict instructions to inform him as soon as the baby was born. But right at the stroke of midnight, a little more than 5000 years ago, all the guards fell asleep, the chains that bound Vasudev and Devaki dropped off and Lord Krishna entered the world!
Vasudev quickly bundled up the baby, put him in a basket and hurried to Yashodha on the other side of the Yamuna. It was a dark stormy night and the Yamuna was swollen and the rain was fierce, but Vasudev in the few precious moments he knew he had just waded in and the Yamuna rose and rose all the way to his head, then the baby Krishna stuck his feet out of the basket and the water touched the feet and receded.
Vasudev reached Yashodha who was sleeping peacefully having just delivered a baby girl and exchanged the two babies, and rushed back without incident into the jail... and the spell was broken, the baby cried and the guards rushed and informed Kans who rushed in snatched the baby and tried to kill her, but the legend goes that it flew out of his wicked hands shouting to him that his destroyer lives!
Of course Krishna defeated and killed the evil Kans later ... but that's another story :)
Now here is a beautiful interpretation of the story of the birth of Krishna... Guruji had talked about this years ago on one of the Janamashtami Celebrations
Vasudev means the Breath and Devki is the Body. Kans is the ego. The guards and the chains the 5 senses. Through the union of Body and Breath, Krishna (Bliss) can be born. And when does Bliss come? When all the chains drop off and the guards are asleep... when the 5 senses are conquered... But Body and Breath alone cannot sustain Bliss... They can give birth to Bliss, but for sustaining Bliss, Love is needed and so Vasudev carries Krishna over to Yashodha who is the embodiment of Love, who nurtures and brings up Krishna!
And of course it is Krishna (Bliss) nurtured by Yashodha (Love) who finally destroys Kans (ego) and frees Vasudev and Devaki (Body and Breath)!
Janmashtami is the celebration of the glorious Birth of Lord Krishna!
Happy Janamashtami!
Jai Gurudeva!
ps The Yamuna rising and rising indicates that in life sometimes, trouble may come and engulf you all the way to your head... but if you have got God with you, then you can never drown! Just surrender and know that you are being taken care of, and do whatever it is you have to! Guruji had once mentioned that when you have a Guru, you can never fall... you may even have the experience of falling, but you cannot fall!
pps will write more about Krishna in the coming week... would you guys like that? :)

Gurudev is just tooo.....!! :)
Whatever you write, is worth reading, since it comes from a of benevolent space :)
JGD Bau,
the most beautiful yet most complex story of Lord Krishna ,the simplicity of such profund knowledge, makles it a tad bit easier for people like me to understand.thanks bau.. please do continue sharing such beautiful stories...i really miss all the celebrations and all here but just went to the temple in Sydney and it was amazing.. enjoy the Janmasthami celebrations in the ashram ....
woww guruji's interpretation leaves me spellbound ..
happy janmashtami bawa and dinesh bhaiya:):):)
ya itll be awesome to have more stories bout Krishna :):)
jai gurudev
like that???? i will LOVE that........
Jai Gurudeva!!!
Yes BAU would love that... Please do write more about Krishna in fact I was waiting for this post to come as well...
HApppyy Janamashtami to you too n to all readers.:) :)
Jai Gurudev
When will we get to see your baby pics???
Jai Gurudev
Have a Good day
wow....simply amazing !!! pls pls pls post more about Lord Krishna :)
Yes definitely I would like to read more about Krishna .......... just go on Bawa.
Jai GuruDev
Of coarse. We will love it.
Oh What a Knowledge !!. It really needs a lot of good karma to be so near to Guruji, you are a fortunate one & I am really Jealous of you & I have to bow down to west for removing this jealousy. Jai Gurudev,
just after Rudra pooja to come and read this post was like chocolate sauce on vanilla ice cream.... happy Janmashtami to you too Bau and yes we will love to read more about Krishna from you. :)
ofc .. we wud love it bhaiya ..
Yessssssss I would Love to.....
Yeap waiting for ur writing Bawa :)
I remember a joke here
In gurukal one teaacher was telling this Krishna's story. Suddenly one student rose up and asked: ' Sir. Kams knows if her sister gives birth then the cild would kill him. But then again why Kams arrested and put husband and wife in same prison. If they were in seperate prison she wbnt gie birth to a baby na'
Master dunno wat to speak :)
PS will write more about Krishna in the coming week... would you guys like that? :)
T O T A L L Y !
Jai Guru Dev,
Jai Gurudev!! Hate to be the only one with a different comment, but today is technically not Janmashtami. Because today is not Ashtami at all. Today is Sri Jayanthi, with Rohini star in which Krishna was born! Love you all!!! :)
wow bau...its havin a gr8888 experience by reading these type of stories...plzzz do post more we wud loveto read it.....jgd
lovely .. happy Janmashtami to you too !
Beautiful! Awesome!
yeah plz elaborate more bout our dear Krishna and more of Guru stories please..
yes Bawa, even though we know the story we loved to read it. & the way Guruji described is awesome.
jai Gurudeva... Happy Janmashtami.
dear bawa,
right from krishnas birth, we have heard so many stories about him, and then so many forms of krishna which keeps surprising us,wheather his naughtiness,or masti, or mantras or in todays life his managerial skill.
and guruji is just icing on cake.
just superb and mind blowing. more you know about him; more you get confused.so pl....ease more about krishna ...........
Jgd Bawa
Happy Janamashtami to u too... :)..
I would love to hear more from you about Krishna...
let me cut short the wow fantastic comments bau but yes i wld love to read sme more or our beloved krishna and soon please..
luv ya
Waiting for more writings on Krishna!! :)
of course bawa...
we'd love to hear such stories...
Jgd Bawa!!
happy janmashtami to u too.
this is so wonderful!
its good to know the meaning of these stories which we have been hearing since so long..
i wuld really like to know more about this...
first half was what my mum told as a bed time story! But the later half is one i cant but hear it from guru's like you! I was wondering what the story got to do expect make me sleep!! Why in the world Krishna has to enter in as a manush?[yatha yatha hi dharmasya ...) but y that particular way ?? now i understud!!! :)
oops almost forgot!
Happy Janamashtami :)
Jai Gurudev!
Love u.........
we would LOVE to!!!
Awestruck by Guruji's beautiful interpretation....!
Yeh dil maange more!!! :)
Thanks, Bawa. Take care.Jgd
kaun kahata hai ki nashe main driving car is dangerous....
just after long kriya nashe main with more alert is really a great feelings....
do it...
and enjoi this....
it was just predictable and desirable to find a janmashtami post .. :)
i was travelling in a tour bus returning to New Jersey with many other Indians, Chinese, etc.. playing an self-introductory round.. taking advantage of which i wished them all happy janmashtami, and gav a small intro of the day, followed by two lines of krishna govinda (in chorus)...
I felt so nice doing this bau :)
JGD :)
Jai Gurudev Bau...
Guruji keeps on amazing us with these simple and OH-SO-GOODDDD interpretations of everything...seriously awesome!!!
THANX as usual...:D
ohh and forgot...PLEASEEEEE keep writing about Krishna...would love to hear..
Ohh and the Satsang in mulund with Shalini and Srinivas was AWESOME...
Oh I just watched Guruji's talk on Krishna's Birthday :) Behind every action of the Lord there is indeed a profound meaning.
And ya it goes without saying that we surely await and would love to read more posts about Krishna..
And Radha also Bawa..
I love this interpretation :)
Makes a lot more sense and brings out an amazing sense of wonder.
Craving for more of Krishna... JGD :)
Bau..WhatEVER you write is an absolute pleasure to read !! :-)
Please do. JGD
thanx so much bau for posting this beautiful knowledge........ simply lovd it......would luv to hear more krishna stories......... jaigurudev
Yeah Bau!! Please more of Krishna!!
Beautiful is something which doesn't lose its charm with the passage of time. Have heard this story before but it is as beautiful as ever. Jai Gurudeva:)
Jai Gurudev,so many comments says it all....
Hari Sundar Nanda Mukunda
Hari Narayan Hari Om
Jai Gurudeva :)
That was the most touching interpretation of the story of the birth of Krishna! It made so much sense.. I have heard this same story being told in different ways over and over again but this explanation is one that truly touched my heart. Thanks for sharing..! JGD
excellent interpretation!! thanks Bawa.
well commenting very late.......
the interpretation was indeed very beautiful :)
The Ancient knowledge of the Puranas and the upanishadas is flowing through your Pen in modern words Bawa. Thanks for the blog. I knew about your blog at bali during the recent visit with Guruji.Please publicise it more.
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