Indie is Back!!!
Indie is back!
Only now he is called Dr. Henry Jones the second... Harrison Ford has aged but he is the better for it, like a finely aged wine he sparkles on the screen, setting it alight with his presence! The Hat and the Whip are still very much there... The hat gets rescued many times from very sticky situations :)
It’s 1957 and there are no Germans, this time around, there are however, the Russians along with the mass hysteria against communism that was at it’s peak in the US at that time. The Russians of course are far more evil that the Germans coz they want to play with the minds... exploring the paranormal for their benefit... but they are equally, if not more ruthless and die in much more interesting ways than the Germans ever did :)
It’s so much fun to watch an action movie with the quiet assurance that nothing is going to happen to the main characters as they swashbuckle through absolutely stunning motorcycle chases, jeep chases, truck chases... fight with poison dart wielding primitive tribes in the amazon, escape from killer ants(!), survive a nuclear explosion(!!) all in absolutely spectacular locales and fall over 3 (!!!) waterfalls among other things :) :)
Dealing with ancient Mayan lore deep in the amazon and dabbling with alien invasions, this movie is an absolutely delightful romp and a complete must see in a theater... Indie, his old girl friend, and a young man who loves bikes and is NOT afraid of snakes make up the winsome trio fighting an entire army of reds and winning and walking away into to a very satisfying sunset (figuratively)...
The sound track is orchestral, loud and rousing - John Williams at his very best and an audiophiles delight... and perfectly complements all the locales and sequences in the movie...
This is one movie i am going to definitely watch at least 2 more times... and maybe, just maybe there will be a few sequels as well... Steven Spielberg and George Lucas should really stick to this kind of movie making... They do a superb public service!!
Do yourself a favour and go watch it with some people you love!
Oh yes, i forgot to mention, there is this crystal skull in it as well :)

Wow Bau I mean really Wow, the review is very well written, though Im not at all an action movie buff, Im definetly gonna watch this one....
And i thought you were not feeling well :)
Wow..suddenly the movie has gone from 'can see' to 'must watch'...plz let us know when u plan to watch it next...we shall all jump in from blr :)
Wish to see the movie too, but the nazi/commie angle has been done to death in too many spy thrillers/movies and games. Harrison Ford continues to eagerly awaiting 'The Dark Knight' - the batman sequel - and one of the big releases this year. Bau, please review any of your faorite comics....:) Love, Abhishek
The scene where indie meets marion seems straight out of a hindi movie
Are you sure Bau?
With big brand names like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harrison Ford and Nevertheless Indiana Jones itself , this movie struggles to convince viewers about that fictional world.
Unlike the first indiana jones or for that matter Lord of the rings, this movie totally fails to take viewers to that Fictional land. I found it utterly comical.
Waah Bau, I have been reading your movie reviews, and I wonder how you manage to get so much out of the movie! If I have to get all these aspects I would need to `study' it! :) or watch it twice atleast!
Your review of Ratatouille was also very nice!
I thoroughly enjoyed the Indiana Jones...! Its interesting how he finds the magnetic box by throwing the gun powder and then the iron bullets! and many more things...!
it is comical... dont goto an Indiana Jones movie to get convinved about anything remotely resembling reality... please :)
Surviving a nuclear bomb in a fridge and toppling over 3 waterfalls has nothing to do with any sort of reality...
Its pure fun, comic, swashbuckling adventure movie that doesnt even pretend to take itself seriously... and i absolutely loved every minute of it... go see it like a child... not a logical boring adult! :)
Bawa... if u get to watch kunfu panda... dont miss it!!! its about a panda.. just an amazing movie..
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