The Flower and the String
Accuracy warning: Freely translated from hindi to english, from whatever i can remember :)
The West Bengal Adv course people have come to the Ashram, and the Orissa Adv course people have not yet left :)... A few frayed tempers, lots of walking up and down, no bed, no place to keep luggage, etc later everyone got together for Satsang... Just looking at Guruji yesterday night was enough to soothe away all the issues and everyone sang and danced with Grace and utter devotion. It was quite magical and the energy in VM was peaking, and i could feel waves of bliss rolling over myself and everyone there...
And i thought, Guruji wont speak much tonight... but i was wrong!
What are you? A flower or the string? The string binds the flowers together makes them into a garland, but without the flowers, what good is the string, and without the string, its not possible to have a garland... a flower is there just for some time, a string stays for ever...
While we pondered, what we were... He continued saying you are both! When you see yourself as an individual jiva full of Knowledge, you are the flower, a fully blossomed consiousness... and when you see yourself as the universal consciousness, you are the string! and then He mischievously added, and if there is no Knowledge in the jiva, you become a thorn :)
In an earlier Satsang, He had talked about Hanuman... When Hanuman was asked What is it like to be Hanuman, He had replied, When i am this body, then i am just Ram's servant (das), and when i look with the Knowledge, then i see myself as part of Ram, and when i see myself as the Soul, then i see there is no difference between Me and Ram and everything and everyone else!
So in the body, do Seva, with Knowledge see yourself as part of the Guru, and when you meditate, then know yourself to be no different from the universal consciousness!
Staying at the Ashram, being in Satsang everyday, so many things get resolved, so much Knowledge and love... Like dinesh likes to say, its not about what you learned, it more about what you unlearn and drop...
Guruji concluded the Satsang saying on the Ashram there is only one Rule:
You can come here with all the troubles and worries that you may have, but you are not allowed to take any back!!!

Amazing Rule...
I am coming for advance course to unload my cargo of worries and problems...
Bawa, What Dinesh says struck a chord with me. I was watching Ashtavakra tapes this week and in that Guruji said that when someone asked Budhha what did he gain by becoming enlightened, he said I gained nothing but lost everything.
Guruji says that in this path one who loses is the one that really wins!!! Amazing isn't it?
Jai Gurudev!
a single garland and a very Great Knowledge shared!! No body but Guruji can explain things in such a innocent cum wise explanation! Guruji Stands there... !!
BTW, Utsav-Chennai is just Awesome!!
Jaigurudev bau,
that was amazing knowledge shared.. only guruji can put such complex aspects of life into such simplicity.....
Thankyou .. Jai Gurudev, love ..
jai guru dev bau ,
an amzing feeling of vastness washed over me by jst reading wht u had written...can imagine wht u all must hve experienced.. thx bau with ur words i am also able to enjoy all bing a flower to a sting to a flower again and so on..
When body - Ram's servant,
with knowledge- part of Ram
as a soul- there is no difference.
Bau this is just superb knowledge. I think there is no more knowledge beyond this.
Jai Gurudev
so beautifuly said Bau and i understand Guruji's talk better now...and what you wrote about Ashram is so true,after successfuly completing my first 1 month stay in Ashram i realised how much it has changed me.....
got tears in my eyes on Hanuman's answer and what really holds true for us.
lolz to you and dinesh bhaiya :)
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