Blog Future
Here is what i envision for the blog:
First a really cool header, all you people who know photoshop can help me out with that one... it should have Sounds Interesting... and a brief description and some nice colours (i abhor black) and graphics
The way i am thinking graphically is to change the header and backgrounds during the day and night so day is brighter and more colourful, night is little darker and sleeker... Also to have some sort of change for seasons and some festivals (holi, Navratri, Ganesh festival, New Year... to name a few)... so anyone who can do these designs please do send them in, i would love to be able to incorporate some or all into the blog... will definitely give credit to whoever's design was finally chosen...
I would like links on the top of the page for Home, Knowledge, Stories, Recipes, Reviews, Jokes etc... we could have more or less categories there
Also there will be intense debate installed on the blog so we could comment easily to posts... later, would be nice to have a few controversial topics being openly discussed :)
Many people have started their own blogs and i would like to create a link list as well of people who regularly blog and whose blogs are interesting to read... please leave the links to your blogs as comments to this post... We could even start a top 10 or 100 of the blogs created by all of us :)
Also will install a rating system, so everyone could vote on how much they liked a particular post... and will see if that's possible for commenting as well...
Please comment on this post and tell me your ideas of what we could have here... do remember, that this is an intimate niche on the www for people who love us and whom we love, to share stuff with each other and keep in touch with each other...
As usual if you want to write to me personally,
and if you want to bug dinesh:
Jai Gurudeva!

jai gurudev
dearest bawa
realy loved reading this.
ur ideas as usual sound interesting an great. i wanna b d first one to enter my blog name. so here goes
Bau i've also started writing... inspired by you... But I wonder... Whatever I write ( specially about knowledge ) has already been said by guruji... Actually mostly its guruji's words in a different style.. So is it worth writing ? Have a look and let me know
Jai Gurudev Bau!!!
Here's the link to my blog... has got some 13 posts so far(a couple more are scheduled...)
& would the people hitting Bau's blog like to read this story I wrote recently..?? Actually wrote it as a funny moment of my Life.. for my TTC form but then realized that it has potential for usage on my blog as well.. ;-D
Hi bau and dinesh bhaiyya, sent a mail but didnt get reply! :-( But its ok at least i get to comment here- I want you to check my awesome blog at
I update it quite oft and i managed 10 posts in the first three days of release! It has superb recipes, movies, music, masti, AOL and lots of other things- check it out!
Thanks bau- hope to get a pic link and a top rating on your page! thanx again
CR Aditya (gappu boy from chennai utsav)
P.S The blog was inspired by u and its got a black background- you abhore it and i will try to change as soon as possible IF i can!!!!
You're racing ahead with ideas .. as usual !:)
I like the idea of a debate and open discussion section! ..
In the way that the comments section is (traditionally) designed, comments on old posts are likely to be missed by everyone, I don't know if there's some way of letting people automatically know when there are new comments (or even new posts, tho' ofcourse those are less likely to be missed).
jaigurudev bau,
i do know photoshop well just the basics so i could try n do some thing.....and well i do blog but havent been that regular due to other commitments.. but will update it regularly now on...
blog contest...
sounds interesting... :)
Bau, please give feedback to our new blogpage:-
If you feel that some articles are out of place, need to shape up better, just leave a comment on that.
I have started being regular.
Jai Guru Dev!
I got inspired from you and started blogging. Here is the link.
Also Saleel Bhaiya's blog is: :)
Sounds like exciting stuff is coming up...Bau, would like to suggest that we have an "Environment" corner and share facts/experiences/action items related to our environment.
JGD, Here is my blog...been writing occasionally since the last 4 years.
Jai Gurudev Bau,
Its so nice that in middle of everything in ourlives we can be so close to you and your thoughts. Thanks to the blog and all your efforts to make it so interesting.
Though I cant help as far as designing is concerned all that I can say is while reading through the changes that you would like to make i could imagine them incorporated and it will all b like icing on the cake(i especially love the changing backgroung option:)
Waiting to cing u soon.
Hi bawa
I am quiet good at PhotoStudio. Do not have photoshop. It’s interesting to design. Will take some time to do it. Started with background colour and font. Lets see how it shapes up.
Jai Gurudev
hey bau...jgd...
well excellent ideas...though as usual your ideas are about a million years ahead of what we think...hehe...
good about the debate and will be suggestion...when the debate thing does start DO NOT let people post anonymously...i hate people who do tht..really...
and look into my
have given u d link so many times now...hehe..
havent written much this month as i screwed up my comp so had zero access...after advanced will definitely start blogging more...
so looking forward to all the changes on d
hey bau
have also started writing...oops....blogging.... am still figuring out the hows and the where-tos and all that....
under a starlit sky is the name of my blog....
love u
Jai Gurudeva Bau
It will be great to be linked on your blog.
just a small suggestion .. seems to me like there's quite a bit of space wasted on both sides of your post - the starlit night sky :) ..
maybe you could fill that in with something ... maybe ..
bawa as ordered by you i have made my blogging id now i just want you to add me in your list ok bau
my id is as below
really nice idea. i'll soon be posting on my blog (a v'new one it is) (no blog url}
jai gurudev bawa
heres my blog
jai gurudev bau
this is my new blog
i have left the last one
Jai Gurudev,
Here's the link to my blog
i have started my own blog
the layout would be improved gradually. a lot of people have liked my post on How to take leave from office for Seva :)
jgd :)
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