I successfully installed my first system update for the year 2008 – the art of living advance course.
Cant tell you how much I was looking forward to the silence and the Hollow-and-Empties and Guruji’s talks and the satsangs...
I realized that just as Part one has 475 tag – 4 sources of energy, 7 levels of existence and 5 knowledge points. Part II has its own 475 – 4 pillars of knowledge, 7 chakras and 5Ss of Sadhana, Seva, Silence, Satsang and Smile…
For solidified Silence, I realized that a must-have during advance courses is a cap (a cool hat in case of Bawa) and a worn out pair of slippers (I didn’t have to go all out to find one, ‘cos JD lent me his).
The cap, when you tilt it down a little, blocks people’s faces out and helps keep the silence in. 'Cos I realized that if you see a person’s face, with it comes the judgments, a host of cravings and aversions and out goes the silence for a toss…. Besides thankfully there is not much judgments I can make about people’s footwear… (of course a cap wont be much help for any girl; who can usually tell a person’s history, geography, biology and psychology from what a person wraps around his sole).
Talking of footwear, the more terrible its condition, the less your mind gets attached to it – out there scorching in the sun or waiting to be a victim of someone else’s belongingness. Moreover, the lesser attachments you carry around during the course (handbag, mobile, mats and cushions (in America they call it a nest)), the easier to send the mind (like the email) across in space.
It was a great feeling to notice my mind slipping into silence so easily this time. I became aware that the knowledge also hits one so much deeper in silence. Silently watching the mind was truly entertainment unlimited. The myriad of sensations - heat and cold, pain and relief, heavy and light, all changing with time and place. A few days ago Guruji mentioned how the mind and heart are considered as flowers and the soul as the sutra (thread). In a garland, the thread is invisible and keeps the flowers together. Actually mind and heart in knowledge and awareness is like a flower and the same in ignorance is a thorn. With awareness, the false falls away and the true stands up. It was fun to be aware of experiencing anger turn to compassion (seeing some of the participants talking away to glory as if they were on a picnic), observing fear turn to surrender (of falling down the Vishalakshi step during dancing), watching minor irritation and hatred turn to reinforced commitment for more initiative (seeing the litter of plastic while cleaning around Sumeru) and above all watching the beauty of the trees and the flowers and the birds and the skies, in fact feeling the beauty of the whole of nature seeping into every cell of the body, becoming joy and love and awareness and bliss… all of which propelled me into wonder as so how this little body of 5 feet something pack such infinite bliss!
Going with the ancient tradition, I would not shave during the course, in fact not even look at myself in the mirror. Though this time I did sneak a few peeks at myself and smiled. Silence meant no one exists other than you and the Guru and so I was pretty conscious moment to moment to feel absolutely happy and high so that the Guru would enjoy my company.
Seva-wise, few days I chose my second favorite seva - garbage collection (the first being gardening) because of which we had earned the title earlier, Cool Clean Men. The day I shirked full-on seva, sadhana would play hard-to-get with me, leaving me sleepy and drowsy.
Given the colorful distractions (people-wise) in our Satsangs, I challenged myself one day to only look at Guruji and nowhere else while singing. The effect was phenomenal and blissful. And the same day Guruji talked about ‘Ek tattvabhayasa’, studying only one thing 100% for Yoga (Union) to take place.
Food wise, we were very well taken care of by Gauri and Shilpa. Sleep-wise I have never experienced such huge amount of dreams in my entire life. When I would wake up after a few hours, I would be intrigued and would wonder whether I slept for a few years, to see the quantity of dreams I saw; in some I dreamed about sleeping and in some I even dreamed about dreaming. God only knows which sanskaras (impressions) were being released. The meditations mercifully compensated for the lost rest.
All in all, what does one gain from an advance course… Its not what you get, but its what you lose and let go… which is pretty monumental and fundamental! You only come out looking forward to taking on the world and how soon can you come back for a second helping of the advance course. Truly it’s a supreme delight and a sublime pleasure!
PS This PS from Bawa: Dinesh managed to schedule his post for the 6th of september instead of the 9th of June... happens :)

YOU LOOK "ABSOLUTELY WOW!" IN THE PICTURE :)). {Wish I could see Bawa with his hat too!) Thanks a lot for the post, I thoroughly enjoyed the fantastic combination of humour and gyan.
Wow.. After a very long time you have written a post!! Nice to read.
*Silence* - described it just the way it was...Nice...
Btw.. the hat is cul(on you esp)..:)
Jai Gurudev!
Please do continue writing more posts!! :)
Jai gurudev
Dear Dinesh bhaiyya
I am aravind S Who completed Utsav act 1 at chennai
Kindly help me out in finding chords for art of Living bhajans
Jai gurudev
Dear bhaiyya
Kindly help me in figuring out the chords for the Art of living Bhajans
As i have got the Qchord which is being used at the ashram
I would like to play it in satsangs
Dinesh, Thanks for the photo with hat. But please add one with the footwear too ;-))..... so that next time I wear one of my old jhoota's, I don't have to be embarassed :-))))
Jai Gurudev Da and Bawa...
it has been SOOOOOOOOOOO long havent come to the blog.....was so caught up...felt like i missed a part of my source of energy everyday...
u knw classic post this one....exactly at the moment when i m feeling a plethora of emotions threatenign to burst in me i read this and start crying like a baby....just throw everyhing so looking fwd to the yes!++...
and as usual...bau's lil PS made me smile again...thanx u guys...i cnt tell u wat u guys mean to me....thanx
lots and lots of love....
hi bau..:)ive finally gotten to the blog...LOVE it!!love reading about your experiences and gurujis stories and knowledge.....the last one about flower and string got my sulking self back into doing seva:)
Hi dinesh...:) finally !!!.....and very very nice...:) cant wait to get to do my adv course this month..
PS..the hat look works for you !!;)
jgd bhaiya.... thanks for the tips.... even i will use them while doing my adv course....... love
finally a post from dinesh bhaiyya.....u write really well .. just like bau...looking forward towards more of ur posts.....also please post more guru stories......
Jai Gurudev.
jaigurudev!finally a post from you dinesh da and waht an amazing one... am looking forward to the yes+advanced course later this look so cool in the hat..
Dinesh Bhaiyya u r looking totally different, i mean I am surprised. I liked this writing which is having all colors :)
Jai Gurudev.
When I saw your picture, the only thing I thought was:
"D-Bhai, the Rockstar of Art of Living"! ;-)
Wonderful tips.. going to implement next week for yes++ :-)Thanks Bhaiya...
JGD wow what a description ??i will carry a torch an umbrella a hat and of course a worn out pair of chappals for my next advance.there will be no fear for the chappals being lost .. better rest more silence.
dinu bhaiya
u look woww..............!!!in the the picture.u look yhe real dude.... as ur ... thanx 4 the blog bhaiya .... it really tella us theimportance of advance course.. nand thnx 4 the idea of the hat m gonna apply this in my next advance course with you....
but i really missed bau'a pi here...plz.. tell bau 2 put one..
the pic is damn cool.i have just completed an advance started of quite interestingly..4 hours before the course you made me kill a cockroach, which i normally dont do :)but this time i was not happy with the way i kept silence, was not given any seva on day one and two and so on the third day i ran after breakfast and did jhaadu all alone, it actually did make a difference in meditation :) i was really happy reading that you had lots of dreams coz my mind was in a terrible shape all through and heart very very heavy, i thought it happens only to me, it was only after speaking to guruji that i managed to cry all through yoga nidra. next time even i will wear a hat :) n i always wear old torn slippers but even that got exchanged..lolz..n i will never do an advance course when a lot of known people are around, it can be a disaster :)
dear sir
jai gurudev
u look too cute in that hat praying to guruji to do the advance course this time in ashram
with u . cu there
u look straight out of pirates of carribbean (a cleaner and refined version of johny depp)...
ohho... wat a pic... coool...
dinesh bhaiya:):):):):)
I was in two minds about doing an advance course next week .. as my boss is a maniac about making leave for us as rare as a smile on his face..
but im soo doing it now :) jai gurudev
please keep writing:)
Dinesh bhaiyaaa.. Finally.. you wrote :P Well you are looking really cool ;)Hmm... Few days and i'll be enjoying the same with you all :)Wowwwwww!! How exciting that will be :)
Keep posting on right dates :P [heheheheh]
Jai Gurudev :)
hi Dg ,
u look abs... ah ah kind find the right word.... sorry bau but the word is " yummy" and pl dontpublish this comment... it is 4 ur eyes only... ha ha ..
smile bau ...
Felt like I took one myself....
hmmm..... it is nice to come out of an advanced course and read your post about it. Loved it all the hits you (the advanced course) and your post as well.... ;) glad that we got the post much earlier than your birthday. :P keep posting i'm loving reading it....
ps: still wondering where you tookthe pic but nice one...
I have no words ....
:):):):):):):) .... thanks for posting ... plz do so more often ... !!!!
I saw the title "Indie..." scrolled down and saw this cool dude in a hat ...then realized it was Dinesh Bhaiyya and not Harrison Ford...btw. D would make a great Indie - I think :-) .
Nice ways to be in silence...though a cool look like that would attract more attention than otherwise !
bhaiyya!! u truly ROCK.. n thanks a lot for all the tips for adv course.. m coming for my first advance course..looking forward to meeting u.. jai gurudev!
nice exprience. u look cool in photo.
With that look of your Dinesh da u may have meditated well but for the girls around it may have become more challenging than ever bfore to meditate in your presence:)
Hope you are doing well...
jai gurudev!
advance course starts never ends..
after readind about chappals, i long for a course where i wont use any of it..
I want to do Advance Course Again ........................................
Hi Dinesh Bhaiyya,
I just finished my davanced course with you.It was awesome,so is your pic with cap.U should have given us this idea bhaiiya...iam very talkitive and for the first time i found silence beautiful ...your post is amazing...
Hope to see u taking up yes+ course in springfeild ,IL bhaiyya,as i spoke to you...
jai gurudev!!!
sneha mudumba.
Hi Dinesh Bhaiyya,
I recently did the advanced course with u about 4 days(from 18th-22nd june).It was awesome.
U should hae given the hat idea to us also bhaiyya.....
i am extremely talkitive and for the first time found silence to be beautiful..
it was nice to know ur experience...
sneha mudumba.
lookin very nice with the hat :) although i was quite looking forward to see those slippers ;)
i'm really eager to attend my 2nd advanced course. it's the best thing i ever did in my life...
really! amazing!!
love AOL.
hmmm...once bawa was asked why he kept long hair.. he simply said coz its cool.period.
uncool is not in in spirituality too..
but this pic IS a delight.
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