... on the Maharashtra Advance Course:
Lady 1: Our silence ends tomorrow afternoon doesn't it?
Lady 2: (matter of factly) That's what I have heard!
:) :)
Jai Gurudeva!
PS: Nanda and Harsha are just placeholders, they were not the ones breaking the silence :), but the scene was almost exactly like this :) :)

lol...super funny ..:P
i once saw a lady on an advance course in ashram desperately trying to communicate something by hand gestures to another woman ...failing to get her point across she said in a loudish whisper " samajhta nahi hai main silence me hoon " .. that very night guruji told us the story of the four disciples who were keeping silence...lol .. its really freaky how the tapes always have something that happened that day :)
thats hilarious.. it happened to even during the yes+advanced course only the girl wrote it on a piece of paper and expected a reply the same way..
Art of Living Jokes... Great idea... We can have some more out here...
Btw, this one was funny :D
Too good...
I believe it happens in most adv. courses. This really makes "Silence" interesting..!!
hahahaha..keeping silence(ironically)..one more thing Bawu..I have also started blogging as you said..my blog link is www.vinodraghavan.blogspot.com. I will be blogging daily..tell me about what more I need to do..you were talking about linking posts..how exactly? you may reply while commenting on my posts!!(wink wink!)Jai Gurudev..
Hewhewhew...bau n da...you n your way of writtin rocks!!!
I didn't know about this silence observed during the advanced course.
Recently, when I went to ashram canteen, a boy pointed out something to me on the menu board. I told him I didn't understand what he was trying to tell. He showed me that he was in silence and eventually I understood that he wanted me to order mango milk shake for him. He made so many gestures to make me understand. Later my friends told me he was observing silence as a part of the advanced course. :)
Bau, u r simply amazing. I want to share a similar incident durin the YES+ advance. one guy, he could'nt maintain silence during the silence period. But he went into silence after the whole group came out of silence.
another funny thing is that the volunteers in Part 2 courses (who are not in silence) also start using sign language when they can actually speak :-)
lol :) reminds me of my first course where us roomies were desperately trying to decide who would get the loft..we gestured like crazy until one of us said something and the rest went "Shhhhhh" . :)
or a course where this first-time part II participant thought it was mandatory to flash smiles in everyone's face when they were desperately stay away from her gaze.
Part II is so much fun !
could i comment later on..?? m in silence too ... ;)..lol!!
I have seen something similar to this. This was almost more than a year back, A blonde lady who was doing the advance course wanted to buy something @ the ashram divine shop (old shop), she kept guesturing to Raghu anna (who was then the store incharge) but failed to communicate and finally she put her hand in dispair and asked Loudly "Do you have a Locket of Guruji" after that everyone in the divine shop saw her tag which said "i am in silence" .... and a huge laughter was what i heard... that was really funny.... :))
I have noticed this too, whenever I have done an Advanced Course. Also have to admit, I was far from amused ! I wish people would take the silence more seriously...
dis is my 1st comment ...
i must say d way u hve designed ur page is xactly similar to my imagination...n ofcourse in my advance course whch happnd in june on d last day me n my group 4m mumbai stared using sign language as it was d 1st advance course 4 most of us....n most of us didnt know how to keep silence....so something very similar 2 wat u said happnd wid me as well but above all advance course was simply amazing......
INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
eee :P and a lot of such experiences... Silence is fun. :P :)
:D lol.. yes+ advance, a guy was whispering to other "Ooy!! tune maun rakha hain!"
Thats awesome hahahahahaha...........
Even when i did advance after our silence got over part2 had there silence but the way they were communicating (I mean 3-4 aunties)by GESTURES.
That was coooooooool
Thats awesome,BAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really its toooooo much FUN to see other's in SILENCE.
jai gurudev !!!!!!!!!!!
the story was superb bau !!!!!!!
keep smiling :) :) :)
hehehahaha.....now eagerly waiting for more adv courses(and jokes too) to happen..
JAI GURUDEV !!!!!!!!!
we r preparing 4 d utsav held on 17th of dis month....
story was nice.....
missing Nanda didi a lot..
:) :) :) :)
the best part in SILENCE is enjoying ASHRAM'S FRESH JUICE.HMMMMMMMMM ITS YUMMY and i supose it takes u to another level of bliss....
ths why they say-GURUJI TAKES CARE OR EYERYTHING.....even ur love for juice is also satisfied
jai gurudev bau, its my first comment ever. thks to u i gt inspired and creted a blog today..nedd some tips to spread AOL MESSAGE TO YOUTH THROUGH BLOG
jai gurudeva
do check it out-
lol... in the current YES!++ course there were two girls sitting beside me before commencement of satsang and asked me, through clenched teeth, whether i could take a photograph of them.
hehe....gud one...
u knw in our Yes!++ there was dis group sitting in VM...all tht they were NOT doing was speaking out the words..hand gestures, facial expressions...even mouthing the words...looked like a silent movie of yesteryears...it always reminds me of the first thing we learn in Yes!+...u shud listen to what is being said and not what u want to hear...so applicable no here..hehe
Reminds me of a joke by J.Krishnamurti
A young man wanting to find truth goes to see a famous guru. 'Master, can you teach me meditation and truth?' he asks. The guru agrees, and the disciple immediately assumes the lotus posture, closing his eyes and breathing rhythmically to show what he knows. The master doesn't say anything but picks up two stones from the ground and starts rubbing them against each other. Hearing the strange noise, the disciple opens his eyes and asks, 'Master, what are you doing?' The guru answers 'I'am rubbing these stones against each other to polish them into a mirror so I can look at myself.' 'The disciple laughs, 'but master, if you don't mind my telling you: you'll never be able to make a mirror of these stones by rubbing them against each other. You can do that forever, and it won't work.' 'Similarly, my friend,' the master says, 'you can sit like that forever, but you'll never be meditating or understanding truth.
hahaaha!! totally amusin'.
i remember when my batch was in silence. there was a cute dog around and well, some people doin' the maun vrata started makin' out 'meow-meow' and 'wuff-wuff' sounds to attract it. atleast they DIDN'T speak. haha!
ishaara-baazi was goin' on full on ofcourse (i was also a minor culprit of that sometimes!!~~ this is perhaps a wrong place to mention that. hehe)
but hmmm i read the article by Dinesh sir about usin' a hat and not even lookin into a mirror...next time will be 'silence absolute' :)
thanks to all you teachers.
Jai Gurudeva :D
Bawa!! Bawa! you seem to have forgotten about linking the blogs and makin' the network grow (for reasons we all love to promote). it's tough to go to through all the comments posted by fellas from AOL and see who all have blogs and then go to their blog to comment etc.
if possible (and everythin' is possible for our Bawa) please put links to all the blogs (mentioned in the article 'blog future') so that we ahave easier access to regular bloggers...
with all love,
Jai Gurudeva.
hahaha! perfect catch! :)
Bau ,, too good ,, there s also the other part to it ,,
This time in the YES+ advanced i almost forgot on sunday that i was outta silence ,, kept knocking on the bathroom door till my roomie came out ,, only later did i realized that i could indeed TALK :)
The last advance course i did in Dubai was something like this. It was not a residential course and during lunch and all everyone is happily making gestures and after a day they started writing to each other. It really distrubs others. And after the advance course i was just telling my parents about how strict Dinesh Bhaiya is. He tells during the advance course that if someone disturbs you by gestures or anything he would take serious actions. And i am really missing the advance courses in the ashram! :(
oh c'mon...
i guess it was my last day in silence n i was knocked at the bathroom door repeatedly...in the ..well.. chilling morning..
after say 3 mins.. i said, "just 2 mins"!!!
The rest of the room obviously burst into uncontrollable laughter...
so there goes...
but theres obviously more to he silence than not communicating outside...
seriously as Dinesh Bhaiyya said during yes+ course.......... njoy the silence..... it's really creates memorable incidents or may sometimes you can say accidents also; isn't it????????
:) JGD....
Miss u lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Guruji, Bawa & Dineh Bhaiyya!!!!!!!!!!!
I was at the Mah Adv course and on the second day of silence I heard something like
baba tya maun ne laai jaam kele mala (that silence jammed me , so I started talking :)
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