Soya Chunks
An innovative way to cook soya chunks, inspired by Prasanna Prabhu's mom
A packet of Soya Chunks boiled for about 15 minutes and squeezed dry
2 Packets of curds, to which you add 100 gms of Dhania-Jeera powder and 50 gms or so of Tava Masala, and mix it up really well
Add the boiled and squeezed chunks to the dahi mixture and let it be for about an hours, more if possible.
Now, here is the surprise... You fry them in hot oil until golden brown and serve piping hot... eat immediately!
You can garnish with some finely chopped coriander
We even put some thinly sliced zucchini and small chunky broccoli into the dahi and fried those as well... they tasted great!
Not too healthy ofcourse coz of the frying, but hey, it tastes wonderful, and a few Suryanamskars will fix those extra calories...
The Soya chunks can be made in many many ways, if you know how to cook non veg food, simply replace the meat in the recipe with soya chunks and you will be absolutely amazed at the results!
Jalandhar Utsav almost done, tomorrow last day... am on a hunt for really good shoes, they should not be made of leather, and should be comfy and snug, be nice for the spine, very light, look real cool and i should be able to slip them on and off without any fussing with laces,etc... Will be mainly using them for walking...
Been to shops in Bangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Surat and Chennai... am going to continue my quest in Jalandhar and Delhi... hopefully will find something here... you guys have any ideas? My last shoes which i really liked were Reebok Air Pumps... they got stolen in Surat :(
G'night... Jai Gurudeva!

dearest bau
the hummus sounds quite simple and so im attempting it myself (the cholles are whistling away in the pressure cooker as i write this..:) )
just that i never know which olive oil to buy coz there are like a trillion varieties and i never know what the description means ..
will let you know how mine turned out ..though the name itself isnt very appetising ..:p (reminds me of humus)
waiting for dinesh bhaiya's blog .. and hoping ya'll take tonnes of pictures in bali :)
tanu (ps -guruji's coming day after:):):))
I just feel like giving u a kissi wen u post all these yummy recipes.....n hummas was something i was waiting to hear....see i gottya :))
But.....the thing is thatttt.. i haven't made a single yet....huhahaha.....think i'll hv to wait till my exams...den u'll be flooded with reviews.Till then....keep writinggg more n moreee...reading them n looking at the pics makes me feel that i just had it...hihi.....m going coookuuu!!
hey bau,
first of all, very nice that you are so committed to write almost everyday some nice stories. I enjoy reading it. Second about shoes; I also hustle every time I want to buy some new nice, stylish pair of shoes. Last time I check on and check especially just for synthetics, but in the end they are all leather. But then I found a website from UK. They just sell shoes without leather:
And then there are some skater shoes, super comfortable. I myself like them very much. They are called "Vans Rowley" - Rowley is a vegan skater and he designed some shoes for VANS. Check it out. Maybe you like them maybe you dont :)
Jai Gurudev
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