An Inconvienient Truth
Its a movie about global warming. Its the movie that got Al Gore (the hero), the Nobel Peace Prize. Its thought provoking, scary and told with humour and sensitiviy... It offers few solutions, but does provide some hope...
It also fails to mention that eating Non Veg food, and the meat industry contributes to 27% of global warming (that's more pollution than all the vehicular traffic of the world put together) , coz Mr Gore himself is a meat eater, and that fact wouldnt have gone down well with the (decision making) people in the US and the Nobel Prize committee...
Its a well made film, that completely fails to give THE one solution that could really help our planet... unfortunate when politics, and personal ambitions are even in this time of crisis that the film so fantastically shows are put first...
Whoever is reading this, please know, that when you eat non veg food or just watch others eat non veg food and dont educate them, you are contributing to global warming and the rape of our planet...
You stop, and then gently educate and make others stop... for the sake of your health, the animals and our planet...
Jai Gurudeva !

Jai Gurudev bawa...
Your blog is simply fantastic and i am all excited about it everyday but there's only one thing that i want in your blog more and that is "knowledge"...some general tips related to seva,meditation,sadhna..more experiences with Guruji! oh btw bawa u sing also???
Jai Gurudeva bau
I would suggest all nonvegers to watch meet your meat vedio on youtube.
Gurujee deserves the Nobel peace prize but I dont understand why politics play there.
jgd! bawa
can you tell us more about the 27%? Yes, ask meat eaters to watch 'meet your meat'.
Your blog is VERY GOOOO!!
hi bau ,
u mentioned ... educate those who eat meat ... but what does one do whn u watch people u know well eat and despite ur educating them they still ignore... its exasperating but well wht does one do ?
yeah bau ,
please some knowledge on a daily basis ... like tip of the day kinds... pl pl bau.
Dear Bawa, I second anon's comment on more knowledge on this blog like your Q&A. I know this blog is targeted towards the youth but I am sure they would also benefit from the "knowledge section".
jai gurudev bau,
i cudnt agree more...while i was watching the movie i cudnt help but notice just how much has been NOT shown..and wen u think of it...i guess he really did NOT show all that to please the people...though this omission doesnt take away the fact that its a brave attempt at highlighting an issue that is need of such immediate attention...
bau one request...i cant seem to find any resource on how non veg contributes to global warming..i believe u bau...but my friends dont...and being engineers our brains have been trained to listen to logic and nothing else...
plz do let me know if there is some such site or book...
anticipating a post elaboratign this issue soon...jgd
abso-amazing stuff :)
thanks a ton for the postings! :)
p.s. @ anupam
came across this page today, just while browsing.. might help.. :)
take care.
Bau..i just feel equally passionate about this issue..invariably,i get into heated arguments....with people oevr this...i have spoken about htis to so many people..sum of them do understand my point and do nothing about it and some simply have thier earguards on...what could be a better way to convince them..because when i give them logic,they counter logic it...and yes,i myself was a hardcore fowl lover...but gave it up when i saw a dream..this is interesting bau...
In my dream i the first half...there was a chicken that was being mercilessly slaughtered and simultaniously i saw,on the other side..there was my very lil sister who was being hanged by the hollows and was almost to get s***********.I realised there was really no difference in the value of life,whether of a hman or an animal...that was the point i sankalped I would not eat or touch nething non-vegetarian...
if you are in the US, it is also important to stay away from diary. The way cows are treated here is horrible.
Isn't it just possible that Al Gore doesn't the conenction between non-veg and global warming .. in which case, it might be help if some of us were to write to him with all the facts and figures ...
Dear Bawa,
I still eat in the dining hall at my school and as such see people eating meat on a constant basis. I agree with you that vegetarians should gently inform meat-eaters of what their eating habits may be doing to their own health and the environment. However, trying to talk to others about vegetarianism and possibly persuade is something that requires a lot of tact. Eating habits are a very personal thing, many times reflecting upbringing, culture, belief systems etc. I wonder how I can make it easier to talk to others and persuade them to become vegetarianism without coming across as being "pushy" and driving them further away.
Jai Gurudev
Hi Bawa!
This is Rahul Subramanian (I am the one who asked you the question yesterday about spirituality above religion). I hope you have pictured me by now.
I definitely found 'The Inconvenient Truth' inspiring for what is shown. But being an automotive enthusiast, I knew for sure that an environmentalist in his right mind would not be parading in a car such as the Mercedes S-class (if I remember right) in a movie on global warming; especially when the concerned is an American as they are generally obsessed with hybrid cars such as the Toyota Prius or Honda Insight. So after a bit of googling, I found that Al Gore's house consumes 20 times the electricity consumed by the average American household ;-). See the following link or google 'Al Gore energy consumption':,2933,254908,00.html
Here, his spokesperson has admitted that this is the truth, however she also adds that they are squaring off their carbon footprint with other good practices.
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