A Milkshake
You will need:
3 nice ripe bananas
1 ripe apple
A Handful of walnuts
1 tablespoon of Vanilla essence (This may vary depending on the type you use, it needs to have a hint of vanilla... thats all)
A Little bit of Cinnamon Powder
Milk which has been chilled (Put it in the fridge for atleast 2-3 hours), use about 1 liter of milk, adjust for the kind of thickness you want in the shake
Wash and cut the apple into small pieces, peel and cut bananas into small chunks.
Put into a mixie. Add the walnuts, Vanilla Essence (If you are still having sugar, you can substitute this with a scoop of Vanilla ice cream, use Natural's or any one which has the nice french Vanilla flavour, if you live in Delhi, get the ice cream from Big Chill), chilled milk... and whirrrrrr away... to a nice smooth liquid.
Pour into a nice tall glass and just sprinkle a dash of cinnmon powder on the surface.
Serve chilled, drink immidiately!
Jai Gurudeva!

Jai Gurudev!
Dear bawa, thats a great recipe! Its going to be very useful recipe to beat the heat esp in chennaites(we are already burned out :P)!
Hmm i will surely try it :)!! keep posting us with such recpies :) !!
Slurrrrrp!!! :P
'C-O-O-L' Shake Bau.. ;)Relieved :)
we can try combi flavours too ;)
Jai Gurudev :)
I just had it today... (with u). It's just awesome... Perfect in summer and filling for stomach.
Dear bawa sir
ur just too good tried few receipies at home came out superbly first time in my life my mom praised me ( the credit goes just to u Sir) hope u remember me i am sudha i did last dsn course with u in chennai i did say that my students wanna meet u finally at utsav i might just bring them there
bau when can i meet u in ashram ..i will be going to nasik from 1st may to 5th may to see my son nirmit.. but then will be back to my duty and fellowship training in bangalore...cause very tight schedule bau for the next 8 -10 months...
i wanna know and share wid u a few ideas about yesplus website ..the problem is i am not a tech savvie to the extent of being able to write up on the site itself though there are so many ideas by which we can make our website more approachable and useful for the youth..anyways i think first i will get in touch with milan and / or preeti whenever possi...
as of now wish me best of luck for my cornea written exam next week
and ya i also wanna know when will u take the yesplus upgradation 2 ... we are waiting for that too...
was planning to apply for yesplus ttc 1 and 2..this year but ..ha ha ha in this cornea fellowship getting 21 days leave is like a dream..and is not advisable also till i pass my university exams next feb
anyways u take care
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