was it really 3 days we spent there? it seems to have gone at breakneck speed...
Rudra Poojas during Shivaratri, early morning Kriya and meditation with Guruji, sneaking past all the "security" to meet Him, few glances and seconds with Him, Knowledge ranging from studying and scoring well on exams to the sublime Karma Yoga chapter in the Bhagwad Gita, glasses of cold sugarcane juice, hot sweltering afternoons, ridiculously cold mornings, Guruji playing the synthesizer on stage with wild abandon, shoes getting stolen, LCD screens not working, fasting on Shivaratri, mad rush to catch the train to surat, even madder rush to catch the train back to Mumbai... and its already time for the Mumbai events to take off...
Its an absolute whirlwind when He is around and if you are not centered, you get thrown all over the place :)
Will write more later... its off to see Him here in Mumbai now...
Jai Gurudeva !

ITS HIGH TIME DINESH DAD SPEAK UP :D I wish I was there..N'ways, attended Guruji's Maha Kriya and first day at PDS today at 6 a.m ..The morning stillness,sun rising in front of our eyes and His presence...absolute bliss!
Bawa, please upload some Surat pics to the soonest...can't wait to hear your remaining Surat experience...
BHaiya... keep blogging :) nice to see how your exp. are diff from us. rather how we should be growing with our exp.
It is Fantastic...Love you to read this every time i come to the site....Anybody feelng down just read get instant energy..
With Love in Silence
Bau I was there to attend all programes which happened in suarat, rather I was blessed to be there. U will not remember me but one morning after PDS session I met you and Dinesh bhaiyya also, though it was for few seconds. I was really on the top of world in those 5 days.
With love and gratitude,
Jai Gurudev
whirrrrrlllll!! :D
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