Dinesh and Bawa

Our blog has shifted to www.bawandinesh.name
Am learning to embed images into the blog...
Here is a Cacophonix I painted pixel by pixel, using Microsoft Paint at ashu's house in Poona almost 10 years ago :)... Windows 95 was brand new at that time!! :) :)
Like him?
Jai Gurudeva !
Labels: Cacophonix
Bet you haven't done anything this impressive on the Mac, bau ;-)
Like him? haa..I love him! Well done! I can't believe you did it on MS Paint! Nevertheless, it has turned out great..funny and flawless..!
Dearest Bau,
Kool blog you have out here!
1. Painting an entire image Pixel by pixel? u sure had a lot of time 10 yrs back! n patience!!!
2. Please to enroll me in ur next western music workshop. I have tonnes of western classical, all of which i enjoy :D, though wudnt mind being able to differentiate a symphony from a sonata! (is there a difference? or m i comparing apples n elephants?)
u never told us that u were very gud at painting 2...
ah! 1 more talent...
bawa u never told us dat u were very gud at painting 2....
1 more talent...
Yes yes! Liked each and every pixel of his! :-))
Jai Guru Dev!
it's just uNbeLievAbLe !!!
i mean hw cud u do dat ??...
Amazing !
m searching dictionary for more words...
Joy Gurudev!
I cant believe!! really nice pic. till this time i thought MS paint is only for boxes and circle :P :)
Cul work!
U an asterix fan!! Wow!! You want the entire Asterix collection on cd? All the books plus a companion reader....let me know. :D
Dearest Bawa,
I really miss you from the Sep 2000 when you came to Bay Area to teach the FIRST DSN !
I Love doing TTC1 in Nov 2003 as well !
This Cacophonix is JUST AMAZING WORK-OF-ART !
Love and Jai Guru Dev!
how did u manage that with MSPaint???
U r a genius.....:)
AWESOME bau!!!seriously..pixel by pixel in MS Paint...seriously..good good...ok enf..i will stop now..
Jai GuruDev
bawa u painted it pixel by pixel and dat too in ms paint... awesum...
u rock bawa... was dat work done when u were here in iit?...
Oooo yes i am quite a fan of asterix and would love to have that CD!! :)
Oh my god! you actually did that in mspaint!!!!! my my, its AWESOME, its totally unbelievable.
Oh my god! you actually painted that in ms paint!!!! my, my, ITS AWESOME ....hats off bau.
my opinion of ms.paint has suddenly improved!! ;)
By Toutatis, I am very impressed!
simply stunning... how much time did this take
This is magnificient. I am glad you did not put a .wav file of his voice :)
I have a tough time drawing using a mouse since the cursor does not always follow the hand movement.
This is definitely a labor in patience and true grit!
MSFT would use this to sell MSPaint if it was not free with the OS :)
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