Jai Gurudeva!
Hello World!
and Jai Gurudeva !!!
This blog is going to be about things that make our life interesting, challenging, and more fun to live... Its going to be about our experiences with Art of Living courses, about Guruji, about music and food, about movies and plays and musicals we enjoyed (or didnt), about our friends... basically about anything that catches our fancy and we want to share with all of you...
soooo, to start with here is what Jai Gurudeva means...
Guru is that who is wise, mysterious, profound, unknowable... and there are people like this in our lives... unfortunately they are also fairly boring and being with them for extended periods of time leaves us feeling a tad heavy...
Dev is one who is innocent, fun loving, mischievous, spontaneous... and ofcourse we know people like this too, but being with them leaves us thinking that they are quite shallow, that they have no depth
however, when wisdom goes with mischief, when depth goes with innocence, when mystery goes with spontaneity, then a great beauty dawns... this is the beauty of Gurudeva, and so when we say Jai Gurudeva! we mean victory (Jai) to both these energys... May that beauty dawn within you
lets not just be wise and boring or playful and shallow, but both together... all of us have the capability to be this... all of us have both these energys within us, Jai Gurudeva! means let both these energys blossom within you...
"May you be wise and playful!" - Jai Guurdeva!

Happy to see this blog with this precious knowledege.. Thanks a lot to the world's best teachers... Jai Gurudev!!
Jai Guru Dev! glad to have you on blogs as well...you'll rock!
Bauuuuu , You are blogging I see ,
I am gonna start blogging just coz you are blogging !! haha
Soon you will see thousands of YES!+ grads blog our way in the blog world and dominate it :D
thinking you should publicize your blogs , i mean who wouldnt wanna know more abt u , dineshbhaiya and GURUJI :)
ok ... enuf talking ...
WOW! BAU! Great to see your Blogs...eversince UTSAV and the YES!+ Team Meets have been over I've been missing you and DineshDa (DG)terribly :( Now with your Blogs... I can stay in touch always. The recipes are super, Bau, 'Yeh Dil Maange More' :) Bau, we are all praying for dearest Abana Auntys' quick recovery everyday, I'm sure she'll be up and about very very soon. Love you Bau. Sonia (Anuradha)
This is nice Bau!
I feel like I am hanging out with you as I read the blogs, perhaps an alternative for you now wanting to leave India.
Keep them coming.
WOW!! bau...u r THE BEST...always kept missing u wen u weren't in mumbai..thoguh have had quite a heavy dose of u in past month or two..hehe..kidding..
but this is great..feel like m hanging out wid u...so nice..will definitely give the recipes a shot...tc and keep posting....lots of love and prayers..
P.S plz ask DA to post smthgn also no..plz plz plzzzzzz :D
JAI GURUDEVdhfnfpy .Your blog definitely ' SOUNDS INTERESTING' .Simply fantastic.
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