Happy Birthday Guruji!!
3 months ago, Guruji called me and dinesh and told us, that we should be teaching thousands of people, that we were wasting our time teaching small courses of a few hundred :)
and so was born the Utsav Phenomenon!
We put together a course, which could be taught to thousands of people at a time, modified a few of the original games heavily and decided to include rocking satsangs as part of the course...
The result? Pure Magic!!
I have always wondered what to give Guruji on His birthday every year... i think this year from the entire YES!+ Team, we can very proudly give Guruji His B'day present!
On the eve of Guruji's 52nd B'day, 10,000+ new people have done the Utsav course. 10,000+ new people will bask in His Grace! 10,000+ new people have got this precious Knowledge!!
In just 3 months since Utsav was born, the YES!+ Team of India (joined by Phillip and Amanda from the US and Alex from Brazil) has managed to teach 10,000+ young people. Dinesh and I taught 7 Utsav Act I courses: 2 in Mumbai, and 1 each in Akola, Amravati, Nagpur, Jalandhar and Bangalore. Saleel and Nanda rocked in Indore...
Our collective Sankalpa had been 10,000+ till July, but i guess Guruji wanted His B'day present earlier than that :)
Happy Birthday our dearest Guruji!!
bawa, dinesh, The YES!+ Team...
and all of us...

Congratulations to dearest Bau, Dinesh, Philip from Austin, the entire YES+ team & dearest Gurudev for this fantabulous achievement!
Jai Guru Dev!
Arvind & Austin gang!
Lucky 10,000!
They look so radiantly happy!
Thank you for your precious Knowledge Guruji Happiest 52nd bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its great number 10000+ in 3 months!!!!!!! Mad and focused work!!!! Kudossssss!!!
Jai gurudev bau,
I just want to thank guruji and you for giving us an oppurtunity to serve. We are really greatful to guruji. Bau, as u say the utsav's are really pure magic.
Wish u a very very happy birthday guruji
With lots of love and gratitude,
Happy Birthday, dearest Guruji !!
We hope we can all give You such wonderful birthday presents .. !
thanx for being in my life GURUJI
that is the most important thing dat has happened to me and will alwaz be..........and congratz Bau
keep it going .........many more to come rite?????
Hello Bau,
I have always enjoyed taking or giving the gifts. But it feels really fantastic being part of the gift which you have given to the Guruji. Wow! Simply superb...!
I did my first AOL course at MMRD grounds BKC, Mumbai in Feb. And now I feel so great about it, being the gift to the Guruji. Thanks Bau, thanks a lot for making part of this family. And thanks to whole Yes!+ team....
Jai Guru Dev!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!to u and to US!!!!its a special feeling knowing u have been part of something like this...in watever capacity...
p.s..guys i started a blog!!!! do visit...http://eternalinsight.blogspot.com
Thats really amazing news Bau, its a big achievment. Even though I have not yet done YES+ , I regularly go through all news of UTSAV and YES+. I am just damn curious to do YES+ now. Congratulations to whole YES+ team and all its volunteers. I wish our UTSAV and YES+ courses should spread in all countries.
Jai Gurudev
Congragulations to the entire YES+ team and dear Gurudev.
Happy Birthday Guruji!
Happy Birthday dearest Guruji :)
Yeahh!!!.. YES!+ team members are so irritatingly happy ;)
A true birthday gift :)
Congrats Bau , Dinesh Bhaiyaa, Nanda di n all the Yes!+ teachers and not to forget the students and the volunteers :P
It surely ROCKS!!!..
Jai Gurudev :)
Hi bawa...
Thanks for leaving your coment on my blog... :)
Bawa you're yourself a gift to Guruji all days of the year.. It's immense.. 10000 people! wonderful..
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