Gurudev speaks...
There are various online blogs and forums where some (misguided?) people post defamatory and inflammatory things about Guruji... He was asked about this in a recent Satsang, someone who happened to be there wrote an account... Here it is:
In a satsang at the Art of Living centre in Germany last night, someone asked Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: “Guruji, I have observed that Guruphiliac seems to follow your every move and then write negative things about you. Why are they doing this?”
This is the gist of what Guruji said: I have inherited an ancient lineage and my job is to further its cause. Neither by thought, nor through word, nor by deed, have I ever done any harm to anyone, nor will I ever do so in the future; it is simply not in my nature. Nobody can expose me because there is nothing to expose: I stand tall, clean and naked in front of the whole world.
I do whatever maximum good I can, and I inspire others to do so. These people who keep writing about me simply cannot leave me alone - they must be in deep love with me! (laughter) When they keep comparing me with other people all the time, I must have made a very deep impression on them. I cannot help it if they can’t get over me - that’s the way I am! If I am that bad and fake, they should simply be able to ignore me and move onto the truth –why are they are holding onto me, again and again?
If they are trying to teach me a lesson, if their intention is to correct me, then I’m sorry, I am incorrigible! (laughter)
If their idea is to stop people from coming to me, and if people do stop coming just by reading these blogs, then I really thank them; it is good for me, it reduces my responsibility! If they think I am doing this for publicity, they are unaware of the disadvantages of popularity. I pity them. Celebrities enjoy only popularity, but spiritual leaders have a huge responsibility with that popularity. People do not go to celebrities for guidance and blessings, but with spiritual leaders they do.
If they think I have no right to exist on this planet, then they can crucify me; I am afraid neither of death nor of being defamed. I am not afraid, because nothing can destroy me.
We do charity with the hard earned money from our courses. We are, of course, rich with people and with good character, and I am ready to share this wealth with anyone.
Lest they understand that their hatred is nothing but love standing upside down.

My blood would boil each time a Google alert brought down these terrible postings from the website mentioned in the posting. What a beautiful and serene answer .
Peace at last.
Jai Guru Dev,
Amazing reply from Guruji...
This is just superb explanation Guruji has given. This straight away goes to heart and I think there is much more learning we all can take from this. Let "them" criticize, who cares, ignore them and lets keep doing our work.
Jai Gurudev.
superb answer by guruji
i used to seriously get irritated when my friends used to say bad things abt my guruji i will ask them to read this
Just the right answer..!!!
Yes.. when such Questions are raised i dnt know what to answer..! stood transfixed.. now i know i can answer something back!! :)
Jai Gurudev....
I love Guruji even more after reading this.
That was beautiful ! thanks !
thank you bau for posting his answer , I wanted to know what's guruji's take on all these blogs.
i feel stupid to even comment on guruji's answer -- its like the final word,from god himself , the ultimate truth.there is nothing comment after reading it .
doing seva/sadhana/satsangs getting one closer to the guru...
reading your blogs i feel i am with u all the time
jai gurudev !!
"their hatred is nothing more than love standing upside down"
i mean...WOW....WOW...and more WOW....**appears hypnotized and spaced out for like 10 mins...**
its dese gems of guruji that keep makign u coem back for more...
strangely...i nevr really get affected by all the negative talk on Guruji....have had the fair share of them...everyday atleast 10 mins are spent talkign about him and defaming art of living...
and everytime it happens...all i can do is smile and tell Guruji...Boss...these people need u just be dere wid me so i can bring u to no??
Actually everybody loves guruji.. one way or the other..
Idiots dont know which way to love!
so simple and yet so strong... only he can say something like this...
The truth cannot be destroyed!!
I remember in a satsang in ashram someone asked Gurudev "Guruji, Jesus was crucified and so and so was killed... what will happen to you. Guruji said openly "I had come this time with a strong protection. Nothing will happen to me".. HE is OMNIPRESENT....JGD
doesnt he????/
i mean he is so simple yet so cool
the way HIS HOLINESS has answered is tooooo good BAU
Now i can see were u got ur teaching and "answering" talents from...................hehehehe,,
If u have doubts abt any person, u will listen to the people who are critical of HIM. But when u are in Total SURRENDER,answers of these kind are verrrrrrrrrrry Natural!!!
There is no other way i can imagine HIS answers.
jai gurudev!!!!
what guruji has written,i have experienced it actually,but then i feel guruji is an optimist of the nth order which i think is really great.
jai gurudev!
its a wonderful reply which guruji has given and i think we have to be optimistic like him.
if some good things exist,then some bad things also exist too.thats the law of the universe i think??
Bau i wonder why did Guruji simply not say-why they are doing something go ask them? Even giving a reply to these fools was beneath his dignity
really...dont you think they are insignificant and only worthy of being ignored?
raghavan, the more subscriptions to google alert there are, higher the rating to such fools go up, best is to ignore them.
Oh Shiva ... :)
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