Classy Illusion
I found this on my stumbles on the WWW... and just had to share it with all of you!
The Squares marked A and B are exactly the same colour!!!
To check this out, just copy paste the image into any image software... then cut paste a tiny part of square A into a new window, and then copy paste a tiny part of square B into another window... check out both the colours, you will see that amazingly, unbelievably they are the same!!!
Seeing is Believing? Not quite huh?! :)

gotta stare long enough at B to "darken it" lol :) time well spent !
Jai Gurudev Bau,
Its awesome
the colors are the same!!!
i tried it in MSPaint
i used pick color tool
Its cool
Thanks Bau
Jai Gurudev
Cool Bau ;)
Jai Gurudev :)
so the learning here is always wat is u c is not reality so where is the boarderline? means where seeing make sense and where it is non-sense? hope u will clearify from ur experience.....
you've become very quiet all of a sudden ! what happened?? i miss your posts !!
I tried it...Very nice bhaiya :)The colors are same!
ps: and your twitter too !! :)
I dont think there is any learning here... its just pure fun :)
You could ofcourse complicate it as much as you wish to :)
hehe bau...:D :D
reminds me of Ashtavakra commentary when Guruji tells to "tilt your eyes...!"
Bau, please keep a "send this article to your friends" link on your page na.. I would like to recommend this artcile to many people!
Anyways, I would do it manually right now.
can't digest it!!
yes, the only way to *see* that the colors are the same is to take a printout and hide the neighbouring cells with your hands.
Then, you will *see* that they are indeed the same color.
The eye adjusts the color perception based on surrounding information that it processes..
v. nice !
the environment influences you so much, unless you are out of the illusion! :) jgd, abhay
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